Owner and Master Trainer Gerardo Lambert is a personal trainer from NYC. His passion for fitness stems from his passion for dance, and his days modeling for fitness and fashion magazines.
In 2005 Gerardo was diagnosed with genetic cardiomyopathic heart failure. He continued to move to the best of his ability, whether it was walking a few miles a day, or practicing short intervals of functional training. “I watched so many others in my position give up on their careers, give up on all physical activity, and just sit themselves down in wheelchairs. Having a heart condition is not as forgiving as propaganda makes it out to be. Without an exceptional support group, the right guidance, and moderate physical activity, cardiac patients can easily lose the will to live!” Gerardo explains.
In 2009, Gerardo received a heart transplant. After being bed-bound for three months in an induced coma, Gerardo lost over 80lbs of muscle mass – nearly half his body mass and needed to rebuild even the most common muscular functions from walking, to sitting upright in a chair.
Six months after his transplant surgery, Gerardo was back in the gym spreading inspirational words to all his clients about the significance of taking care of this one body and life that we have. This is how BODYSHOCK was created!
When COVID-19 spread across the United States, Gerardo was immediately spotlighted once again as an immune-compromised heart transplant recipient. Gerardo was one of the first fitness professionals to offer outdoor, and open-air locations with closed group reservations. His protocols held up with ZERO reported cases of community spread, and were taken on by many other local fitness locations in the following months.
Being outdoors made Gerardo quickly realize that just like our body, our earth needs some deep-rooted TLC! We each need to do our part, in turn, BODYSHOCK as a community is committed to getting outside, and participating in the cleanup and rehabilitation of our surrounding natural habitats. To remind ourselves of just how important our impact is on this One Life. One Body. And One Planet.

I’ve been with Gerardo since 2019. He is motivating and encouraging and pushes you to achieve your goals. We are all different ages, and athletic levels and he caters the workout to each of us so effortlessly. It’s the benefit of a group workout along with customization to meet your individual needs.

This was one of the best workouts I’ve had in a long time! I felt like every muscle group was hit, and pushed, but didn’t leave feeling “beat up”. I surprised myself with what I could do, and Gerardo’s enthusiasm was really empowering.

This is hands down the best circuit training workout class I have ever taken - and I’ve taken a lot in NY + LA. I was blown away by the custom workout Gerardo provides to each of his clients. Gerardo really makes sure you get the most out of your workout, corrects your form so you don’t get hurt and you can see he really cares and loves what he does!.

Great workouts -
well balanced with cardio and weights. Always challenging and worth it!
Thank you

Thank you for the Fabulous Class!!! Week 3 and I'm getting so much stronger and loving it.

BodyShock is the perfect class because it wakes up the metabolism as well as the mind and the joy of movement! Thank you for all you give to your students.